
Connecting the warehouse department cameras to the camera network via optical fiber,

Saturday, September 14, 2024
The security cameras of the warehouse department in the region have entered the region's camera network via optical fiber.
According to the regional IT unit, 12 cameras in the region's warehouses were connected to the camera network via radio, which reduced the quality of the images and caused frequent disconnections and connections of the cameras. According to this report, last week, the cameras were connected via optical fiber for one billion riyals, and now the high-quality cameras are connected to the region's camera network.
Two years ago, due to the importance of security and the urgent need for remote control, the installation of CCTV cameras around the area was on the agenda. For this reason, 120 CCTV cameras and equipment related to the installation of these cameras were purchased at 50 billion riyals and their installation work was completed. The purchased cameras are smart and are equipped with a virtual fence, which is detected by the cameras and notified if a person enters the area. Thanks to the equipment of the area with CCTV cameras as well as the arrangements provided in the security and regulation complex, the number of thefts has significantly decreased in the zone.

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