
Sirjan Special Economic Zone

A collections of the best infrastructure and opportunities for investment


Sirjan Special Economic Zone

A collections of the best infrastructure and opportunities for investment


Sirjan Special Economic Zone

A collections of the best infrastructure and opportunities for investment


Sirjan Special Economic Zone

A collections of the best infrastructure and opportunities for investment


Sirjan Special Economic Zone

A collections of the best infrastructure and opportunities for investment

منطقه ویژه اقتصادی سیرجان

Investing in Sirjan Special Economic Zone

Introducing the special economic zone

Introducing the special economic zone

Sirjan Special Economic Zone is the first protected special zone of Iran, which was formalized in the framework of Note 20 of the Law of the First Plan and Clause "D" of Note 25 of the Law of the Second Plan of Economic, Social and Cultural Development of the Islamic Republic of Iran and was established and opened in September 1372 The Iranian customs department has started its activities in the region in the form of construction and operation of warehouses, warehouses, transit of goods, industrial-production units and assembly and classification along with support and welfare and accommodation.


Features of being in Sirjan city

Sirjan Special Economic Zone

Acquaintance with infrastructure and investment opportunities and economic activity in Sirjan Special Economic Zone

Sirjan economic zone services

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Investment Upportunities
Investment Upportunities
Auctions and Tenders
Auctions and Tenders
Circulars and Instractions
Circulars and Instractions

Economic partners of Sirjan Special Economic Zone Economic partners of Sirjan Special Economic Zone