
The Sirjan police chief visited the zone.

Sunday, June 16, 2024
According to the region's public relations, Colonel Javad Khajepour first held a meeting in the presence of the regional director and the security chief. During this meeting, Engineer Mirzadeh explained about the region and said: the security of the region is one of our most important priorities and we have tried to implement several projects over the past two years to increase the security of the region, one of them The project is the installation of video surveillance cameras throughout the region. Colonel Khajepour also positively assessed the measures taken by the regional administration and admitted that the security of the region is in very good condition and we do not have any problems related to the special city region.
He continued: The employment of more than three thousand people in the Sirjan Special Economic Zone has greatly contributed to the reduction of crimes caused by unemployment and the increase of safety coefficients in the Sirjan region.

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