
The fee for employing illegal citizens amounts to 1.2 million tomans per day.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
The new fine for employers who use the services of unauthorized foreigners without work permits has been set at 1.2 million tomans per day.
According to the regional report on labor, services and employment, the easy presence and employment of foreign nationals in Iran, especially Afghan nationals; This is a problem that has become an undeniable reality and a serious problem in the country's labor market for several decades, so much so that Iranian workers believe that employers employ foreign workers to facilitate their working conditions.
Economic experts warn of the consequences of the illegal entry of illegal aliens into the country, citing among these consequences the occupation of job opportunities by young job seekers by immigrants. Despite the great efforts of regulatory agencies to control and enforce strict borders, over the past three decades, the employment of illegal foreigners has become one of the challenges of the Iranian labor market and has led to serious consequences and anomalies. According to labor law, foreigners who do not have a work permit, temporary work permit or temporary work card are not allowed to work in the country, and in case of employment, their employer is considered as an offender and will be subject to a fine. GOOD.
Based on this report, the General Directorate for the Employment of Foreigners of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare announced in a circular the new amount of fines for employers who use the services of irregular foreigners without work permit, which will be implemented by the General Directorates of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Protection of the provinces.
According to this circular, with reference to paragraph (c) of article (11) of the law regulating part of the financial regulations of the government and based on the recent resolution of the Supreme Labor Council to determine daily wages and salaries minimums in 1403, the amount of the fine for employers who use the services of unauthorized and unlicensed foreigners, for each day of unauthorized employment, the amount of 11,943,640 rials was determined, which will be doubled in cases of repeated violations. The region's Labor, Services and Employment Unit has asked established factories and businesses to refrain from employing illegal nationals.

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