
The effect of CCTV cameras on significantly reducing theft

Monday, April 29, 2024
Thanks to the efforts of law enforcement and the equipment of the area with video surveillance cameras, no theft or insecurity was reported in the area in March 1402 and April 1403.
According to the region's public relations report last year, due to the importance of security and the urgent need for remote control, the installation of CCTV cameras throughout the region was on the agenda of the day. For this reason, 120 video surveillance cameras and equipment related to the installation of these cameras were purchased at a cost of 50 billion rials and their installation was completed last year. Based on this report, the purchased cameras are smart and are equipped with a virtual fence, which will be detected by the cameras if a person enters the area and will be notified. With the creation of the surveillance room last year, the entire area fence is monitored by cameras, and thanks to the intelligence of the cameras, if a person crosses the area fence, the camera detects them and an alarm sounds in the surveillance room. Thanks to the equipment of the area with video surveillance cameras as well as the measures provided for in the area protection and regulation system, the number of thefts has significantly decreased, so no thefts or insecurity have been observed in the area over the last two months

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