
Visit of Police Commander to Sirjan Special Economic Zone

Saturday, January 6, 2024
The Sirjan Police Commander visited the special economic zone together with the city's traffic police chief.
Colonel Morteza Amirsabtaki first held a meeting in the presence of Engineer Wafai, CEO of the region. Engineer Vafai first explained the area and said: security of the area is one of our priorities and we have tried to implement several projects in the last two years to increase the security of the area , one of these projects is the implementation of video surveillance. cameras around the area, which with its implementation All fences in the area are controlled by cameras, and thanks to the intelligence of these cameras, if anyone crosses the fence, the camera will detect it and an alarm will sound in the surveillance room. Colonel Amirsabtaki also positively assessed the measures taken by the regional administration and acknowledged that the security of the region is in very good condition and that we do not have any problems related to the special city region.
He continued: The employment of more than three thousand people in the Sirjan Special Economic Zone has greatly contributed to reducing crimes caused by unemployment and increasing safety coefficients in the Sirjan region.
The police commander then played from different parts of the region and said things to increase the security factor of the region.

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