
Free and special economic zones have performed better than the national average in the business

Wednesday, November 22, 2023
In order to promote, facilitate and attract foreign capital and technology as well as facilitate foreign trade with the aim of internationalizing free zones and adopting operational solutions and facilitating joint cooperation within the framework of rules, laws and regulations into force of free and special economic zones. of the country, a memorandum of understanding between the secretary of the Supreme Council of Free and Special Economic Zones and the head of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture was signed.
According to Farina, during this meeting, the advisor to the president and the secretary of the Supreme Council of Free and Special Economic Zones of the country, presenting the results of the study carried out by the economic vice-chancellor of the Secretariat of the Supreme Council through the The Global Doing Business Index, which ranks different countries in terms of ease of starting a business. He said: Free zones have a more favorable situation in the development of the business environment compared to the average of the whole country, and we are looking towards pioneering countries in this area.
Also at this meeting, while presenting the investment plans of the Free and Special Economic Zones, Hojatullah Abdul Maliki said: The Free and Special Economic Zones are a haven for investments for five reasons. He cited low cost of production, existence of good and supportive infrastructure, adequate access to markets, ease of doing business, incentives and tax and customs exemptions as five reasons that exist simultaneously in the free and special economic zones of Iran and for this reason, the reasons constitute a rare opportunity to invest in the region.
Mahmoud Najafi Arab, President of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, also discussed the development-oriented approach of the Supreme Council Secretariat of the 13th Government to attract capital and considered the signing of this memorandum as a step towards synergy in the transfer of management. technology transfer and financing.
This memorandum includes issues such as cooperation in organizing training courses required by economic activists and businessmen from free and special economic zones, cooperation, planning and participation in the organization of exhibitions and commercial and investment events, cooperation in financing and investment of projects with feasibility studies and approval. .by renowned international institutions through the National Development Fund, by organizing events to present investment opportunities in the target countries with the participation of the private sector of the target countries, facilitating business processes and investment through the creation of a free service desk and special economic zones in the window of the business creation unit of the Tehran Chamber, scientific and research participation in the study of various aspects of business creation a joint free zone, an online business advisory committee and other areas of education, attracting capital and increasing the employment of young workers in the country's free and special economic zones.

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