
Agriculture Ministry to help boost investment in free zones

Wednesday, October 25, 2023
According to Farina's report, during this meeting, Hojjatullah Abdul Maliki explained the system of problems identified in the free zones of the country with the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad and presented a solution proposal to solve them.
Informing the capacity of franchising and special economic zones, Abdul Maleki declared: These zones play a key role in the country's economy, including more than 70% of the country's maritime transit and more than 30% of non-petroleum exports.
He also reported on the activity of more than 2500 large enterprises in these zones and declared: The study of the population/employment relationship in these zones shows the recruitment of labor from other regions of the country in these zones .
The secretary of the Supreme Conseil suprême des zones franches commerciales, industrielles et économiques spéciales also addressed the main objective of this meeting in another part of his speech and declared: the system of issues of free zones with the Ministry of Agriculture Jihad with the cooperation and coordination of the secretariat of the supreme council and the organizations of the franchising zones. This has been calculated, and the resolution of these problems will be a great help to the natives and the economic militants, in accordance with the 11th paragraph of the general policy of the economy of resistance and globalization of these regions with the 13th government populaire, nous assisterons à une augmentation des investissements et des exportations dans ces régiones.
Organize the systems, eliminate the obstacles linked to the global plan of the new free zones, edit the notification of the Ministry of Jihad relative to the réexportation, transfer the title of land ownership, change the approach of funds to provide financial resources in the agricultural zones , la résolution des problems des terres en aval du barrage de Karam Abad, la distribution équitable de l'eau et l'exportation des vêtements d'été ont été l'une des relevés lors de cette réunion.
Mohammad Ali Nikbakht, Minister of Agricultural Jihad, also emphasized the appropriate strategy of these regions in terms of internationalization and growth in terms of investment and exportation, and announced the total desire of this ministry to resolve the issues discussed. lors de cette réunion et a declaré que ces questions seront résolues. résolu dans les plus brefs délais. Après avoir été transmis par l'organisme d'experts des zones économiques franches et spéciales et par le ministère du Jihad agricole, il sera communiqué aux parties prehêtentes concerned, et ce ministère n'éparngera aucune aide pour le saut des investissements dans le sector libre  zones.

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