
Intact presence in economic agreements

Monday, October 16, 2023
Engineer Valiullah Afkhamirad, CEO of the Kerman Organization, discussed the Shanghai Agreement in an article published in the Duniya Ekhtaz newspaper. This reading follows:
As a reminder, let's read: "Iran's accession to the Shanghai Pact will improve relations with each member of this group and bring new economic capabilities to the country." Joining the Shanghai Pact will improve Iran's status to such an extent that it will neutralize the conditions of sanctions and improve economic relations without making concessions to the West. Iran's accession to Shanghai is a way to guarantee the Islamic Republic of Iran against cruel US sanctions and will even allow Iran to prevent the imposition of new sanctions against Iran with the aid from the two great powers members of the Union. Shanghai. With Iran's permanent membership in the Shanghai Pact and considering Iran's unique geopolitical position, we will become a gateway for member countries. »
Intact presence in economic agreements
More than a year has passed since Iran became a member of this treaty. It is still too early to research and analyze the effects of joining this agreement in the form of statistics; However, the downward movement and decrease in the value of goods exports fell far short of the expectations of the country's foreign trade analysts in the first six months of this year. Let us not forget that the other predictions listed above, including lifting sanctions and promoting the status of Iran and transforming our country into a gateway for countries, are baseless and false statements. In its latest statistics, Iranian Customs announced that the value of exports of non-oil products in the first 6 months of the year was 2.6% lower than in the same period last year. That is to say, at the end of the six months since Iran's final accession to the Shanghai Treaty and according to the propaganda carried out during this action and the statements made by the competent authorities of the country regarding the importance of this membership, some of which are mentioned at the beginning of this article. and its progressive effects must be seen in the shape and form of foreign trade, not only did the country fail, but it also led to a decrease in the value of exports. .
The point highlighted in the statistics released by Iranian Customs is the almost 5% increase in the volume of foreign trade (total imports and exports), which is a valuable and predictable indicator when the amount of exports reaches even one dollar of the amount of the import. is more This despite the fact that the country's foreign trade balance became negative by 6.3 billion dollars in the first 6 months of this year, or in other words, the amount of imports of the country exceeded exports of $6.3 billion, indicating a greater reliance on oil revenues. Improving political relations with other countries, both bilaterally and multilaterally, as well as in the form of joining regional and international political and economic agreements, as has been said and written many times, although it it is a good deed in itself and worthy of praise. and appreciation, is only a necessary condition for The achievement of the economic improvement of the country is and cannot be achieved alone; Because his smug state was kept out of sight.
A sufficient condition for enjoying the benefits resulting from improving political relations with other countries and joining economic agreements is the availability of the software platform for international trade, which unfortunately is currently, of on the one hand, due to the banking embargo imposed on the country. and non-acceptance of the FATF Financial Action Convention, but it is not possible to implement it by legislative institutions. It is obvious that the government's recent efforts for Iran's membership in the BRICS countries are just empty words and will not lead to any results. Because the sufficient condition for such agreements to be effective is still ignored.
Membership in the global economy depends on the size, share and capacity of the country, which must be a priority before accepting membership in a regional and international economic and political agreement, which is not Not possible. except by accepting the financial action agreement and trying to lift the sanctions. It is obvious that if a suitable platform is provided and these two fundamental problems are solved, giving the Priority for Iran's membership in the World Trade Organization, of which it has been a supervisory member for many years, can pave the way for appropriate economic diplomacy to become a member of other regional and international agreements. It is under such circumstances that Iran's adherence to regional and international economic and political pacts can accelerate the country's economic development.

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