
A knowledge and environmental project.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Rasool Abbasloo, one of the young natives of the city of Sirjan, is going to start a recycling plant for used tires in the special economic zone of Sirjan. He was the representative of Ebtekar Sanat Samangan Trading Company and has been the executor of the waste tire recycling project since 1991.

The region's public relations conducted a conversation with this promising entrepreneur, which follows.
Thank you, can you tell us a bit about the work you've been doing at Sirjan since 2012?
Hello and thank you. I have been working in the waste tire recycling industry since 2012, and in my own workshop in the industrial city, I used to recycle waste tires from the trailer to the stage of shredding and producing chips and of pellets 1-5 mil with the In addition, in addition to the production work, I sold the main product of used tires to the countries of Pakistan, Quetta and Basra, Iraq.
Can you explain the activity you plan to do in the area?
In the rubber recycling industry there are many activities and many end products can be produced. On the one hand, considering the suitable environment that we have purchased in the Sirjan Special Economic Zone and the appropriate size of this place and the sufficient energy to implement the project that we have in the region, and on the other hand, with regard to the target market due to the commercial nature of the project and to move it forward. The design of part of the equipment will be supplied from abroad, the objectives of the project can be achieved faster with the cooperation of the region and Sirjan Customs. We intend to launch a knowledge-based production line with a capacity of 10 tons per 8-hour shift, and we hope to be able to implement the next phases of the plan in the region.
Explain the knowledge base of the plan?
Regarding the knowledge base, I must say that considering that this project is innovative, environmental and knowledge-based, it has technical complexity and research must be carried out to improve the implementation of the project so that we can organize the exit of the factory. in terms of quality and quantity. This work requires focused research and development by a knowledge and technical team, which can be continued with the involvement of the knowledge business assessment and recognition group.
   You referred to this plan as an environmental plan, can you explain a bit about that?
The main objective of the scrap tire recycling plan is to be environmentally friendly and to help clean up the city surface, mines and air. Waste rubber is a kind of environmental and non-degradable hazard that has caused many environmental problems, which requires special attention and technology in order to neutralize this environmental hazard by following all environmental rules and regulations for its recycling.
   With what capital and when will the business be opened?
Unfortunately, the recycling industry is not supported and not particularly welcomed in the country, for this reason recycling related equipment in Iran is not well known and does not have manufacturers and designers specific. For this reason, it is necessary to supply part of the equipment from abroad, and with the forecasts and the possibilities that we have examined, a capital of 200,000 dollars is necessary to start the project, and the beginning of l The activity is currently part of the tire shredding, which can be done shortly after the launch of the first phase of the inauguration will take place in June.
How many entrepreneurs are involved in this project?
The contractor we predicted for this project, after launching the first phase of the entire project, i.e. recycling tires and trailer rides, the implementation of the project is expected to take place in an 8-hour shift, where in each 5-person shift, 4 people will be production operators and one person will be in total for the repair of the shift. 20 people work directly and 5 people work indirectly. These five people are the ones who pick up the tires and deliver them to the factory door.
   Do you also export goods to other countries and in which region is the business area of the company most important?
Before tire recycling became important, healthy used tires were exported to Pakistan and Iraq for recycling in foreign factories, which was met with objection from domestic entrepreneurs, and with the measures taken to this regard, this export should be transformed into becoming. In this regard, rubber chips and rubber granules have good trade capacity so that the products produced by the factory can be exported due to the experience and relationship I have had with the countries of Pakistan and of Iraq. The company's field of activity is carried out at two planned sites, part of it is carried out in the production sheds of the region, and the other part is carried out in place of the primary product.
What should be done in the next phase?
Since the activity in the field of tire recycling is large, we plan to recycle OTR tires of mining machinery (loaders and dump trucks) for the first time in the country, considering mining and mining machinery. the city. Given the high production capacity we have considered, we can produce more end products from recycling and help the environment more by burying and burning tires and causing more occupation in the city.
What are the issues you may face in implementing this plan?
The biggest problem in the implementation of this plan is the intervention of people for profit who buy tires under different pretexts and set them on fire, and the next problem we predicted is the depreciation of the material, and the third problem is the need for a large amount of capital in the next phases of the plan, which must be obtained from financial support.
What request do you have of city managers and officials?
The risk of this innovative project, which wants to be carried out for the first time in the city and in the case of OTR tires for the first time in the country with high capacity, is high, and the demand that we have from managers and managers is high , given the large capital of about $1 million and the job creation that we hope they will support in terms of finance and facilities, as well as in terms of supplying the main product, in order that this social responsibility, which is a great service for the city, which is in charge of this environmental plan and the Samangan Industry Initiative Company, will be implemented effectively.
If there's anything left, tell me.
A city and a country will become more beautiful and more prosperous when sanctions are not used as an excuse for inflation and a weak economy, and when capitalists invest in entrepreneurship and job creation, which is a form of social responsibility, and this is how they support national production and the economy, resistance is needed.

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