
Setting up facilities for sheds on Goldiran street.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

With the completion of the construction of three hangars on Goldiran Street, the implementation of their facilities has begun.

According to the report of the vice-chancellor of civil affairs and infrastructure of the region, the construction of three hangars in the industry sector with an area of 2160 square meters each was completed not long ago, and the flooring was also done during the last month. According to this report, the implementation of the facilities, including the installation of lighting, water network, electricity network, at a cost of five billion rials, is in progress and will be completed in here next week.

It should be noted that this area has built 14 hangars with an area of 50,000 square meters as warehouses and production halls and provided them to investors in addition to private warehouses and hangars in the production sector.

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