
123% increase in exports of manufactured goods in the region.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

In the first two months of this year, compared to the same period of 2022, the arrival of commercial goods in public warehouses in the region increased by 92% and the export of products manufactured by regional units increased by 123%.

The region's vice president of economic and investment affairs said: In the first two months of this year, we have seen growth in some sectors compared to the same period last year. According to Mehtab Sotoudhnia: The arrival of commercial goods in public warehouses increased by 92%, the arrival of raw materials in the industrial sector by 287% and the issuance of production certificates by 70%.

Sotoudhnia continued: The amount of exports from the place of production increased by 123% and the amount of exports of commercial goods increased by 71%. The export of manufactured goods from the region mainly includes sugar, edible oil and to the countries of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. In relation to this issue, the vice president of economy and investment of the region said: "Exporting is more beneficial for the country than it is for the benefit of the exporter" . Economists believe that increased exports will lead to new job opportunities, economic growth, tax revenue and improved balance of payments. The increase in liquidity can be mentioned as the most important benefit of exporting for the exporter. According to him, in many advanced countries, export is the main axis of development and is very important in the presence of this country in world markets. Domestic production and its competitive arena in the world market, or in other words exports, is one of the factors that can make countries independent. Sotoudehnia added: The importance and necessity of the presence of the goods produced by a country in the world market and in the international economic environment is one of the most important factors of development.

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