
Iranian customs officers visit the zone.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The meeting to resolve obstacles and problems of production units in the region was held with the Director General of Customs of Kerman Province and senior officials of Iranian Customs.

According to the Sirjan Special Region Public Relations Report, with the follow-up of Customs and Regional officials, as well as the invitation made yesterday by Shehbaz Hasanpour, the Representative of the People of Sirjan in the Islamic Council, Mr. Davalit, the new Director General of Customs of Kerman Province, and Mr. Raisi, Deputy of Iranian Customs Office for Import, Mohammadian Roshan. Deputy of Iran Customs Office for Modernization and Administrative Transformation, Mr. Bakshi, Representative of Iran Customs Export Office, and Mr. Adeli, Expert of Import Office, entered Sirjan Special Zone to check and solve the problems of the production units.

   At first, this group held a meeting with Engineer Wafai, the zone's CEO, in the conference room. During this meeting, the leaders of the zone  explained the activities and some problems of the zone.

After that, Iranian customs officers and officials answered the questions and problems of the heads of the production units of the Sirjan Special Economic Zone in the conference room of the Farico company in the presence of the regional officials and representatives of the Sirjan people.

They then visited the production chain and the products of the Frico company and the sugar refining production units located in the region.

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