
469% increase in goods in transit to the zone.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Goods in transit to the region in the first quarter of this year increased by 469% compared to the same period last year.

According to the report of the regional deputy director of economic affairs and investment, this growth was more important in June with an increase of 1298 percent. According to the report, the import of foreign raw materials from production units in the region to the mainland increased by 39 percent compared to June last year. These items include parts for making refrigerators, microwaves, washing machines, all kinds of aromas, parts for making air conditioners, raw materials for glue, steel sheets and panels imported from Turkey, Namibia, North Africa and Bhutan. In the commercial sector and the arrival of goods in June of this year, we saw an increase of 77%, which includes trucks, domtracks, graders, motorcycles, speakers, auto parts and accessories, which are sent from Shahid Rajaei Customs, Bazargan, Anzali Free Zone entered the region.

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