
Razi Glue Factory Excavation Started.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Excavation of Razi Glue Factory in Sirjan Special Economic Zone has been carried out.

According to the public relations report of the zone, with the issuance of the construction permit for the Razi glue factory in the Sirjan special economic zone for the plot number 110 and the official start of the executive operations of the company, the works' excavation of this project have officially begun. Based on this report, a meeting was held last week with the presence of Engineer Wafai, CEO of Sirjan Special Economic Zone, Engineer Amirreza Ganji, CEO of Chesh Razi Company, 'Engineer Mirzadeh, Regional Manager, and representatives of Ista Banai Rasakh Company, as well as the Contract Manager, and other relevant managers and officials Bank representatives gathered in the regional conference room. In this meeting, engineer Wafaei, CEO of the special economic zone, explained how to carry out the works and the appropriate speed of progress of the project.
Engineer Mirzadeh, the region manager, also explained the amount of investment and said: The construction project of the new Razi glue factory is the biggest investment in the region in recent years. In addition, Engineer Ganji, CEO of Razi Adhesive Company, explained in detail the approved plan and map of the factory site in the area.
He said: The new factory construction project will be implemented in two phases on a land with an area of 94,000 meters with an investment of about 5 trillion rials in the first phase, which will definitely be the new generation of Razi Adhesive Products in the special field with more affordable price.It will reach the production stage. He also mentioned investment opportunities in the region as a competitive advantage.

After the explanation, the company site was visited in the presence of all the guests and a meeting was held in the construction technical workshop at the project site. At the end, in a ceremony, the flag of the Hash Razi society was hoisted and installed at the project site, and as a sign of peace and blessing and to commemorate the start of the executive operation, a sapling olive tree was planted by the management. Director of Hash Razi company and CEO of the special region at the project site.

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